Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 5!

Today has been pretty good so far.  According to my husband I slept super hard, and I even slept through the baby crying.  I wonder why?!?! Lol I really needed it after a night of barely anything.  I got in my work out early, since the hubby is doing a squadron fun run today.  The poor guy isn't eating at his work BBQ and then  has to go run in formation.  He thinks he is being tortured, but once again I must say how PROUD I and of him.  We feel great and have tons of energy even without energy drinks or caffeine!  Oh I should also mention that other than our spark energy drink yesterday we have been doing this cleanse without caffeine and to be honest its not so bad! We were both totally addicted to it before and honestly I'm not sure we will need it after this cleanse.Talk about killing two birds with one stone!  That's all for now!  See you tomorrow!

Day 4!

Day four wasn't to bad, but I was exhausted from staying up with Lily all night.  The poor kids is getting four molars at once; she is one unhappy baby!  It was hard keeping motivation, because I was tired and grumpy... but I did it.  I just keep telling myself its only ten days!  Teething that saved me yesterday was an energy drink from Advocare called spark.  It was pink lemonade flavored and tasted great!  It is sugar free and has lots of vitamins and minerals in it, so it's pretty healthy. I think it honesty saved me for the day, because I was a walking zombie. The work out plan is going great and all my soreness is gone!  Yay for toned biceps and thighs!  My husband has actually lost over 6lbs already; he is super excited about it and I am so proud of him!  He really misses his fast food he poor guy.  Well that's it for day four!

Day 3!

I was unable to sign on for day three and day four, so I took mental notes to bring to you guys when I got a chance! It appears day two was the worst... headache was about it. Day three hit and I felt great.  I feel like an energizer bunny in comparison to how I have been feeling.  My house is actually staying some what clean... well except the floors!  Lol I hate vacuuming and mopping; it's torture! The want for carbs has been OK; I want carbs but I want to finish this! We are going to be on this cleanse for our anniversary, so Josh and I are super excited to go out and enjoy and nice dinner after this is over. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 2!

Today is day two of the cleanse and I'm still feeling ok... although I miss my carbs :)  It's crazy how much of a carb freak I am!  Oh well it's just ten days and I only have 8 left, right?  When it comes to side effects I have only experienced headaches and muscle ache (but that is from changing my work out routine).  I must say after this it will be much easier going back to weight watchers!  On weight watchers I can have my cheese and carbs!  Don't get me wrong this cleanse is a breeze in comparison to any other I have tried.  Plus, it will be worth it to clean out my system and get my energy back.  I love the idea of a clean body and possibly getting rid of all my aches and pains.  It may sound silly, but we have started doing Wii Active!  I forgot how much fun it is to work out with my husband.  We laugh our way through it and we are really starting to bond again!  It is crazy what two kids in 1.5 yrs can do for your love life... time to get on it! lol!  I am married to a great guy, and sometimes when all you hear is screaming kids it's hard to remember why you fell in love in the first place... we are fixing it one step at a time.  That's it for now!  See ou tomorrow.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The cleanse begins!

Today both my husband and I are starting a 10 day body cleanse.  It is a 10 day herbal  cleanse from; our neighbor is a distributor.  I will be blogging EVERY day during this cleanse to let you know how I am feeling and any noticed side effects.  So far this morning we had to drink a fiber drink with a choice of citrus or peaches and cream; we chose peaches and cream.  It wasn't bad, but it's defiantly not something I would want to drink everyday! lol!  Our day will continue as normal with the exception of wheat, dairy, sugar, and fried products.  Our choices are basically fruit, vegetables, and lean proteins; the fruit is what I am excited about! The nice part about this cleanse is they don't expect you to live off of nasty drinks or supplements... you actually get to eat food!  I have packed on quite a few pounds lately with birthdays and fun celebrations, so my game plan is to not weigh myself until after the cleanse.  From there I will get back on the weight watchers boat and begin regular weigh ins!  With the cleanse both my hubby and I are going to add in some simple easy to do work outs.  His goal is to lose weight and bulk up and mine is to lose weight and tone up.  Hmmm maybe I should become a female body builder.  Sexy, RIGHT?!?  LOL!  No way... I'm just toning up.  My goal is to not only look great but FEEL great at my brothers wedding this summer!  I hope everyone is having a GREAT start to their week.  If you are interested in the products we are taking let me know.  I can get you my neighbors info and I know he would be glad to help.  That's all for now see you tomorrow!  

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Well I'm back and as unstoppable as ever!  Life is good :)  I can't really explain where I was emotionally or why it happened, but the past is the past.  Today is a new day and I'm ready to fight.

The birth of my daughter brought out so much in me; not that my sons didn't it was just different. With Ben I never felt fragile like I did with Lily.  Even though I am a role model for him his dad is who he looks up to.  His dad is such a good man and I never worried about who Ben would grow up to be.  With Lily I knew all eye were on me; she looks to me for everything.  There is so much pressure for little girls to be the wrong kind of "perfect".  We have perfectly airbrushed women shoved in our face and it's almost impossible to feel good.  Now you may be asking why I associate being thin with making Lily feel good about her self, but honestly it's not about being thin.  It is about showing my little girl a VERY rare form of self control that leads to not only health but also self esteem.  Self restraint is key!  When a person can say no to even the greatest temptations they are stronger than imaginable.  When I had Ben I quit biting my nails and with Lily it has been my weight.  So many of use go through life expecting everything to take care of itself, but honestly we are in the drivers seat 100%. A lot of parents say they are not responsible for their child's self esteem, but we ARE!  Sure some kids have personality traits that can lead them one way or another, but we shape and mold their little minds.

Two things have happened to help get me out of my "funk".  They may be silly, but they were such eye openers and reminded me why I do this.  One was visiting the birth center where Lily was born.  I delivered that sweet nine pound baby (<--- I almost put "little" LOL) girl naturally.  It was so empowering and walking those halls again reminded me of that feeling.  It was such a rush of unexpected emotions, but in such a good way!  Then the second thing was finding the P!nk song "F#ckin Perfect".  It is such an amazing song and the exact reason why I want her to be empowered!  She is perfect to me and I hope I can help her know that while teaching her to give her all in everything she does!  God blessed me with a little sheep and I am going to be a shepherd he is proud of.  Thanks for reading!  I have also been meaning to post a fun blog a lovely friend of mine writes.  It is so much fun to read and it something moms can relate to!  Here is the link!  Enjoy!...