Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Middle of week TWO C25K!!

This week has been in many ways wonderful, and keeps getting better!  I made it past day 3 on the new Weight Watchers PointPlus program... this is a big deal.  For those of you who diet and have dieted ever notice how on day one you're ok, but crave naughty foods?  Day two you're a little moody but eager to push onto day three, and then day 3 comes along... Dun Dun Dunnnnnnnnn (or however that dooming sound effect is written).  Day 3 is the HARDEST; you want to eat everything in sight, you get mad at people eating the foods you want, and eating wrong seems so delightful.  If you make the right choices and follow through when you wake up on day 4 it's like a weight has lifted off of your shoulders!  You did it you made it through one of the toughest cravings you will have on your weight loss journey!  It also gives you an extra boost of confidence knowing that you kicked some food craving @$$!!!  Don't get me wrong cravings will return, but now you know you can say no and mean it! I want to challenge my readers to give themselves three days.  If you wake up on day 4 and still want to kill someone than I give you permission to kick my butt.  Gently though, I still want to be pretty!  Be kind to yourself and know you are human.  I am posting a picture of myself when the weight was still on... I am not proud of it.  However, I am proud of the mother, wife, and person I was and am now.  The photo just reminds me that I deserve happiness and health!

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