Sunday, January 9, 2011

Accusations... jealousy... really?!?

Well to start off this post I owe you a weigh in.  Today I weighed in at 149lbs, so I lost weight! Success!  Although it is a great feeling, I did cheat a little.  Friday night I had chicken and waffles and it was DELICIOUS! Anyways, I am getting off topic.  I have decided I will not post pictures until the end of C25K, because I want to focus more of the health of my lifestyle than physical looks. 

Now to get to the title of this entry "Accusations... jealousy... really?!?".  To put it lightly people suck!  Why is it that when someone loses weight people automatically throw out, "Oh she must be sick" or "Oh she must have an eating disorder".  Seriously?!?!  For everyone that has made those accusations please know I am not sick and I DO NOT have an eating disorder!  I do realize many of these people are "concerned", but these issues are silly.  The reason I started this new lifestyle is to be healthy for my kids.  If I were throwing up or not eating it would be trading obesity for something just as bad, and I am not interested!  Remember every person is different and I have a rare form of self control.  I have found it is easier to change the things I don't like than to continue doing them.  Many people say it is because others are jealous, but I want all of my readers to know that it is not my goal to make others jealous.  I strive to set good examples and be someone people can look up to.  I want to motivate others to be the best person they can be.  Live a life worth living and take hold of what is yours!  Thank you to all my supporters.  You guys are amazing and make every post worth it. 


  1. Good for you girl! Seeing you do it has sparked something in me, and I have actually lost 2 pounds this past week! I start week two of C25K this week! Also...I have figured out why I am holding on to this weight...after writing down what I have eaten for a not taking in enough calories..which is just as dangerous as taking in too many!But anyways thanks sooo much for being an inspiration.

  2. You were pretty skinny before you had babies. :)Your doing great!
