Monday, December 27, 2010


Lately I have ignored you and I am sorry.  Between the holidays and being overly dramatic about not having family around not much has motivated me.  Although, today is a new day and  I started C25K and so far LOVE it! Well I actually started it yesterday, but did cross training today!  Whoop Whoop!  The goal is to set an example for our little Angels.  Am I kidding myself to think that if they watch mommy workout daily they will follow?  Who knows... we can read articles and parenting books, but in the end all we can do is our "best".  I put quotations around the word "best", because we ALL screw up.  Yet no matter how many times we screw up they always love us!  Anyway, I am veering off topic... C25K!!!  Goal number two is to get in shape and stay there!! Goal number three is to run the Susan G Komen 5k, and not just participate... actually RUN it!   The workouts are not hard so far and it will be fun to feel and see progress.  I am actually thinking about taking photographs to see if the progress is visually noticeable.  Any thoughts on that?  Maybe seeing the progress will be motivating?!?  It wouldn't hurt, so sure I'll give it a try.  Some of my cross training will include "mommy and me" work outs and soon Pole exercising... that's right STRIPPING!  Lol!  There is a place here in Tucson that does pole workouts.  Get fit and bring a little sexy back in the progress; my husband won't complain I can tell you that for sure!   Here is the work out schedule for C25K and the link to the pole workout place if anyone is interested....


Pole Fitness

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