Friday, December 10, 2010


Hmmmm... let's see what excuse I can think of today.   Well my baby woke up once last night, so I have no energy... OH and I had to walk all the way to the laundry room to get a bra!  Can you believe that?!?  The main problem with excuses is that if we are desperate enough we can come up with anything. Yesterday, while talking to my mom I realized the "Holidays" have recently been my excuse of choice.  It's Christmas, so I HAVE to eat the pie... it wouldn't be Christmas without it right?!?  When in actuality the days pass and Christmas continues to grow closer whether I eat the pie or not.  In fact, I could come up with an excuse every month not just in November and December.  Let's run through my upcoming year and review all of my possible excuses: January we have a birthday party to go to... that includes cake right?  Then, February hits and BAM another birthday party, my birthday, Valentine's day, and then my daughter's birthday... goodness those are some AMAZING excuses!  March will start off right with my anniversary followed by a visit home, which is bound to include going out to eat. April's lovely chocolate filled holidays is next; EASTER!  I won't continue, because I am sure you get the point!  It is so easy to push our goals and dreams of better health to the side and think, "Tomorrow".  As Thomas Jefferson would say, "Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today".  My goal for the next few weeks is to throw my "It's the Holidays" excuse out the window and prove that no matter what time of year it is I can stay on track!

1 comment:

  1. You can do it! Though the temptation is Huge the joy is being able to walk away and be stronger than the food. or if you must have some limit yourself to a very small portion of that pie or just one cookie. Plus all that sugar...that's like how many more minutes of cardio and how many more crunches?! eek! (I should listen to my own
