Monday, December 27, 2010


Lately I have ignored you and I am sorry.  Between the holidays and being overly dramatic about not having family around not much has motivated me.  Although, today is a new day and  I started C25K and so far LOVE it! Well I actually started it yesterday, but did cross training today!  Whoop Whoop!  The goal is to set an example for our little Angels.  Am I kidding myself to think that if they watch mommy workout daily they will follow?  Who knows... we can read articles and parenting books, but in the end all we can do is our "best".  I put quotations around the word "best", because we ALL screw up.  Yet no matter how many times we screw up they always love us!  Anyway, I am veering off topic... C25K!!!  Goal number two is to get in shape and stay there!! Goal number three is to run the Susan G Komen 5k, and not just participate... actually RUN it!   The workouts are not hard so far and it will be fun to feel and see progress.  I am actually thinking about taking photographs to see if the progress is visually noticeable.  Any thoughts on that?  Maybe seeing the progress will be motivating?!?  It wouldn't hurt, so sure I'll give it a try.  Some of my cross training will include "mommy and me" work outs and soon Pole exercising... that's right STRIPPING!  Lol!  There is a place here in Tucson that does pole workouts.  Get fit and bring a little sexy back in the progress; my husband won't complain I can tell you that for sure!   Here is the work out schedule for C25K and the link to the pole workout place if anyone is interested....


Pole Fitness

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Sorry it has been a while since I posted... life has been crazy.  With that you are probably wondering how throwing out excuses went, and if you really want to know it was an epic fail!!  There is no one to blame except myself.  In fact, I went on three dates with my secret lover this weekend; Chinese, Mexican, and Italian.  I can say from experience that despite common stereotypes the Chinese did NOT have a small egg roll... it was actually quite large and satisfying.  The Mexican on the other hand was greasy, and the Italian didn't even hang out after to cuddle. No matter the excuse I still cheated and sit here today facing the repercussions; I've gained weight.  It is a vicious cycle that must be broken, because all it does is make me depressed.  Yesterday on the other hand was good, and weight watchers points were counted! Yay!  There still is hope! 

One of the goals our little family has set is changing how we associate food with other things in our life.  Like when I think Christmas stocking I think CHOCOLATE!  Or when we think of a party we think BBQ... who does that?!?!  I literally associate food with everything!!  Is it just us??  Do they have an OEA (Obsessive Eaters Anonymous)?   Maybe that wouldn't be such a good idea... 

Me- Hi, my name is Alura and I an obsessive eater.

Group- Hi, Alura!

Group Leader- Tell us about yourself.

Me- Well I am a wife and mother of two and I like food.

Group Leader- You like food?  What does that look like?

Me- Wait what were we just talking about?  Sorry all I can pay attention to is the AA group across the hall having pizza.  It is seriously making me want to take up drinking! Mmmmm... pizza... Damn it NO.....

Ok... ok... maybe that was an exaggeration. Maybe going to weight watchers meeting would help; being with people who fight this same fight everyday!  My mind sees it as a hopeless case, but my heart knows I am worth so much more.  Strength is something God instilled, so it's time to use it!  I will walk away victorious!  It is time to stop questioning myself and just do it! Positive self talk starts now! YOU WILL AND CAN DO IT!

Friday, December 10, 2010


Hmmmm... let's see what excuse I can think of today.   Well my baby woke up once last night, so I have no energy... OH and I had to walk all the way to the laundry room to get a bra!  Can you believe that?!?  The main problem with excuses is that if we are desperate enough we can come up with anything. Yesterday, while talking to my mom I realized the "Holidays" have recently been my excuse of choice.  It's Christmas, so I HAVE to eat the pie... it wouldn't be Christmas without it right?!?  When in actuality the days pass and Christmas continues to grow closer whether I eat the pie or not.  In fact, I could come up with an excuse every month not just in November and December.  Let's run through my upcoming year and review all of my possible excuses: January we have a birthday party to go to... that includes cake right?  Then, February hits and BAM another birthday party, my birthday, Valentine's day, and then my daughter's birthday... goodness those are some AMAZING excuses!  March will start off right with my anniversary followed by a visit home, which is bound to include going out to eat. April's lovely chocolate filled holidays is next; EASTER!  I won't continue, because I am sure you get the point!  It is so easy to push our goals and dreams of better health to the side and think, "Tomorrow".  As Thomas Jefferson would say, "Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today".  My goal for the next few weeks is to throw my "It's the Holidays" excuse out the window and prove that no matter what time of year it is I can stay on track!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Today is THE day!

Over the past 9 months I have lost 60lbs using Weight Watchers.  It has not been easy and to this day I struggle.  Mmmmm.... FOOD... see I just did it again!  The struggle is worth it, and there is no better high than trying on jeans from high school only to find they are to BIG!  It truly is a life style not a diet.   I will begin to add short or maybe even long inserts that follow my journey through life and my fight to stay thin.

My Secret Lover!

Recently, I have realized weight problems are like an abusive boyfriend. That's right I'm food's b!#$%.  No matter how many times I eat unhealthy foods and feel the sluggish aftermath; I still want to go back.  He whispers his promise of satisfaction into my ear only to have him slap me with the reality that my pants don't fit. How is going back to him even logical?!?!  Sadly, it's not about logic it's about convenience and comfort.  It's easy to buy the unhealthy stuff and when a day has been rough "comfort" food MOMENTARILY feels good.  In the long run it's a waste of money and emotion!  Damn him for being so attractive!  Say no to him and stand up for yourself!  You are worth more!  WE ARE WORTH MORE!